Assistance Dogs UK (ADUK) is seeking a new Chair of Trustees to lead the charity in an exciting period of development.

Our new Chair will work with the ADUK board and Development Manager to ensure the charity develops its presence and influence, whilst continuing to work as an effective umbrella body and hub for assistance dog-related information and good practice. The Chair will also support ADUK to develop key relationships in order to further aims to promote a standards-based approach to the training and welfare of assistance dogs.

In particular, the board is seeking a new Chairperson with extensive experience in the Animal Welfare or Disability Sector in order to expand ADUK’s knowledge and reach and further our charitable aims.

Annual commitments include:

ADUK’s new Chair will focus on our external presence, influence and impact while being supported by a Vice-Chair who will have a more operational membership focus.

Alongside the normal responsibilities of being a trustee, the Chair will ensure that the charity operates effectively by;

We welcome applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds, skills, life experiences and needs, especially from people who identify as disabled or those who have lived experience with assistance dogs. Please see our full access statement in the Recruitment Pack.

If you would like to speak to someone about this role before submitting an application please get in touch with our Development Manager Vicky Worthington.

Application Deadline: ADUK will actively interview for this role as applications come in.
The deadline for submissions is 30th April.

Application Details: Please download the Recruitment Pack for more information and submit a CV and cover letter telling us about what you can bring to the role.

Website Link: